The Hunt for 1875: Plate #19

I have seen the Compton and Dry pictorial St. Louis used for a variety of historical purposes, but I have yet to see a full comparison of the pictorial St. Louis in 1875 with what remains today. Each day a new plate will appear in the order of their appearance in the Compton and Dry map, followed by an edited version in which the remaining buildings (as far as I can tell) are highlighted in blue. All images are from the Library of Congress downloadable map.

Plate index:
(Click image to enlarge)

Surviving buildings from Plate #19:
• 1400 S. Broadway (commercial; first story remains only)
• 101 Cass Ave. (industrial; St. Louis Stamping Company)

Plate #19:
(Click image to enlarge)

Remaining buildings from Plate #19:
(Click image to enlarge)

For more information on the St. Louis Stamping Company building, see:

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