Joseph Lacroix House, ca. 1870 and 1888

Eads Bridge and Riverfront, ca. 1870
St. Louis School Library, 1878
St. Louis Morgue, 1878
Vandeventer Place in Google Earth
Included are a plat map created using Sanborn Fire Maps (adjusted for color, spliced together, and cleaned up) and individual plat polygons with placemarks and images for individual houses. Included are:
7 Vandeventer Place (Charles H. Peck House)
27 Vandeventer Place (John R. Lionberger House)
40 Vandeventer Place (Henry C. Pierce House)
51 Vandeventer Place (John D. Davis House)
64 Vandeventer Place (Henry C. Scott House)
72 Vandeventer Place (Dexter P. Tiffany Sr. House)
Vandeventer Place Gates
87 Vandeventer Place, ca. 1900

7 Vandeventer Place

By 1911, Stephen had passed away, and the only living son of Charles dwelled in Westminster Place, far away from the hustle, bustle, and hoopla of Vandeventer Place. The mansion passed to other hands (specifically, the hands of Max Mueller Bryant and his family, who were entangled legally in some ways). The mansion itself passed away sometime in the 1940s.
51 Vandeventer Place, 1899

For the Google Earth Vandeventer Place Pack:
64 Vandeventer Place, 1899

72 Vandeventer Place, 1899

Tiffany graduated from Harvard in 1868 and Harvard Law in 1870, marrying that year and taking up residence in Vandeventer sometime after. His two sons were also quite successful - one serving in the Spanish-American War as a naval officer, the other becoming an executive for Anheuser-Busch and living at 14 Lenox Place in his later years. Tiffany held a government position during World War One, but died shortly afterward in 1921 in Boston.
72 Vandeventer was demolished some time in the late 1950s.
For the Google Earth Vandeventer Place Pack:
Crunden Branch Library on Cass Avenue, 1909

Frisco Building at 906 Olive Street, 1906

Mermod-Jaccard Building at Fifth and Olive, 1880
Bee Hat Building at 1021 Washington Avenue, 1899
The building now does sport steam roaring lions, by the way. A fitting addition to the lovely terra cotta on the building.The sale of the Bee Hat building, which has been vacant for several years, took place at about the time the newspaper was going to press.
BHat Development, formed for the purpose of developing the building, plans to convert the second through seventh floors into 36 one-bedroom or two-bedroom apartments, ranging in size from 900 to 1,300 square feet and renting from $990 to $1,430 a month, said real estate appraiser Matt Burghoff, one of two partners in BHat Development. Burghoff said his partner prefers to remain anonymous. There will be space for about 30 residents' cars in the basement.
A restaurant will occupy 7,500 square feet of the building's 9,000-square-foot first-floor commercial space, with a boutique retail store in 900 feet. The restaurant owner is a well-established and respected St. Louis restaurateur, Burghoff said, but he declined to name either of the tenants, who have signed letters of intent to occupy the space.
Eleven terra cotta lion heads on the outside of the building are a signature feature of the structure. The heads were attached to the gutters and drained water to the street. BHat wants to link them up to steam lines and have each lion roar every half-hour or so, Burghoff said.
Christ Church Cathedral, ca. 1867
1700s House at 4th and Poplar, 1899
Eads Bridge and Riverfront, 1903
Mullanphy Savings Bank, 1893
Clayton Road and Tamm Avenue, 1893
300 Washington Avenue, 1893
Mermod-Jaccard Building at Fifth and Olive, 1880

Broadway and Locust, 1899

1711 Cole Street, ca. 1890

Studio of J.C. Strauss at 3514 Franklin Avenue, 1899

17 Westmoreland Place, 1902

Update: In 1894, 17 Westmoreland's construction costs exceeded $800,000. In the spirit of determining the price of the home in today's dollars, I found that using the GDP deflator, the cost of the building would have slightly exceeded $18.5 million. Using the Consumer Price Index, the home would cost approximately $21 million. Only one home is on the market in the St. Louis metropolitan area that exceeds a $10 million price; no other homes have sold in the last 60 days for greater than $10 million. The current estimated value of 17 Westmoreland is around $1.3 million, which is, considering construction costs, quite the bargain.
Later, the home was inhabited by Dwight Davis, the namesake for the Davis Cup tennis championship. In a stroke of tragedy, the masterwork was not seen or long inhabited by designer or patron - original homeowner John Davis died of Bright's disease in 1894, while the architect died the previous year. However, the home is now in the capable hands of Mrs. Mary Strauss, the owner and restorer of the Fox Theatre.
Lionberger Building (Warehouse), ca. 1890

The building was executed quite nicely from Richardson's plans, and fronted Washington Avenue, but extended down 8th Street to St. Charles Avenue; the warehouse extended west along Washington to about midblock. Tragically, this masterwork was gutted by fire in 1896, too late for another Richardsonian Romanesque temple of commerce to be erected in its place. It was one of only a handful of Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge or Richardson commercial buildings to be built in St. Louis. Within decades, the site was occupied by the building that now serves as the Renaissance Grand Hotel.
A description of the fire from the Middleville Sun (Mich.) in 1896:
Ely-Walker Dry Goods Co. Burned Out
Loss $1,500,000.
Fire Monday gutted the mammoth seven-story granite building at the southwest corner of 8th street and Washington avenue, St. Louis, Mo., occupied by the Ely-Walker Dry Goods Company. The loss will be close to $1,500,000. One human life was sacrificed and several people were hurt.
The fire was one of the worst the St.Louis department has had to cope withfor a long time, and for a while it looked as though the Washington Avenue wholesale business district would be wiped out.
The building burned was known as the Lionberger Building. It fronted on Washington Avenue, running north along 8th Street to St. Charles, and extended west on Washington Avenue to the middle of the block. The firm's enormous stock of goods was recently increased by immense purchases from the East, and consequently every inch of available floor space was occupied by great piles of dry goods of every description for the spring trade.
The insurance on the stock is about $1,000,000. The building was insured for $200,000. It was owned by the John Lionberger estate and was built about eight years ago at a cost of $500,000. Before the blaze was mastered one fireman, George Gaultwald, was killed by a falling wall at the 8th Street end of the building, and during the fire several other firemen were more or less seriously injured.
Bell Telephone Building, 1889

5065 Lindell Boulevard, 1902

From "Palaces of St. Louis," National Magazine (Volume 17, October 1902). The caption reads, "A Marble Palace in Forest Park Terrace, the Residence of Mr. C.S. Hills." So far I have not yet found the location for the home, excepting that Forest Park Terrace was at times another name for Lindell Boulevard facing Forest Park. Another photograph of the home is in American Architect and Building News (May 1900), which lists C.S. Hills as Colonel Charles S. Hills. The Missouri Historical Society has a photograph of the home, ca. 1899. Civil War records show that Colonel Hills was a commander of Iowan regiments during that terrible conflict.
Update: I have located Colonel Hills' house. It was located at 5065 Lindell Boulevard, and has been demolished and is now a vacant lot. It appears that Colonel Hills' garage is now part of 16 Westmoreland Place, as 5065 was absorbed into an expanded Westmoreland plot and an extant building remains on what would have been the site. See the St. Louis Assessor's records for the plot.
Portland Place, 1900
27 Vandeventer Place, 1890

For more information on Henry Hobson Richardson:
For a Bing Bird's Eye View of the only extant Richardson home in St. Louis:
For the Google Earth Vandeventer Place Pack:
40 Vandeventer Place, 1887 and 1902

4510 Lindell Boulevard, 1902

For more information, see http://www.westendword.com/NC/0/1241.html
1 Westmoreland Place, 1902

Wydown Boulevard, 1917
Lindell and Locust, 1917

On Rapid Growth of St. Louis, 1907

River Des Peres Plans, 1907

Views of Kingshighway, 1907

Cabanne Neighborhood, 1907

Mullanphy Park, 1907

Franklin and Grand Avenues, 1908

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Post Office Building, 1908

Deville Motor Hotel, 2009